Message from Citizens Advice

Published: 15 April 2020

To Our Community Groups and Stakeholders,


First of all, thank you for all you are doing during the Coronavirus outbreak, and lockdown in particular.  We are all facing uncertainty and doing our best to help those who need it during this unprecedented situation.


This is to let you know what Citizens Advice in Oxted is doing during the Coronavirus outbreak, and how your constituents, residents and clients can contact us for advice.  Please see attached announcement.



If there is someone who you are in contact with who is in crisis, has no money and/or does not know which way to turn, please let us know on this email address and we will contact them.  Please do not give this email address to clients.


Alternatively, we are happy for you to give our local office number for residents to call if they are in need of help and advice:


01883 730259


Ask them to leave a message with their name and phone number and we will call them back.