Covid support grant

Published: 20 May 2020

Crowhurst Parish Council are in receipt of a £1,000 Grant to be used in cases of financial hardship caused as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Parish Council will look to distribute a benefit from the hardship grant to any resident of the Parish or any business or charity operating within the Parish where financial hardship can be demonstrated and will be of immediate benefit to that individual or organisation.

Examples of some of the sorts of funding the council will consider are listed below:

· Assisting a self-employed sole trader to return to work by repairing or replacing essential equipment required for that work to resume

· Providing ancillary equipment to assist with home schooling of children.

· Funding for provision of essential unavailable items for those currently using a foodbank.

· Funding for additional data required for home-schooling.

· Assisting with an unexpected vet’s bill or food for a pet companion.

· Assisting a voluntary organisation, set up to help during COVID-19 pandemic, with ancillary costs.

This list is by no means exhaustive but should demonstrate the diverse reasons that someone may seek such a grant from the Parish Council.

Those seeking an allocation from the hardship grant should apply in confidence to the Parish Clerk by email or phone. or 01342 822404.

Once the grant funds are exhausted the scheme will be closed.