
Published: 20 April 2023

Crowhurst Lifesavers
Could you be a member of the Crowhurst Lifesavers Group?
Crowhurst now has 2 defibrillators installed, one at the Village Hall and one in the Telephone Box in Crowhurst Road. These are life saving devices however what would happen if a person is on their own and needs assistance or is actively giving CPR to another person and need the defibrillator but are unable to go to get it from either location.
This is where Crowhurst Lifesavers could help.   
So what would Crowhurst Lifesavers be?
Crowhurst Lifesavers would be a group of volunteer Parishioners, sponsored by Crowhurst Parish Council, who will be able, on request, to go and retrieve one of our defibrillators and take it to the location of the person in need and be able to assist in the giving of CPR and the use of the defibrillator.
In order to make this work we will require a minimum of 6 volunteers, with a recommendation of 10, the system can support up to 17. Each volunteer will receive focused training on use of the defibrillator and in the application of supporting CPR.
How would it work?
It is based on a model administered by Community Heartbeat, a charitable organisation that provide defibrillators to communities nationwide and who provided both of the defibrillators in Crowhurst. They call this their Volunteer Emergency Telephone Scheme (V.E.T.S)
They will provide us with one memorable local telephone number that links to the personal numbers of all volunteers. If the central number is called, then the numbers of all volunteers are immediately called, as soon as one phone is answered all other numbers cease ringing.
What is Crowhurst Lifesavers NOT designed to be?
Crowhurst Lifesavers will not be first aid trained, other than in CPR, volunteers will not be called other than in cases where a defib is required. It is not a Community First Responder scheme.
The scheme only covers Crowhurst Parish, volunteers will not receive calls from neighbouring areas. 
It is a voluntary scheme with no obligation to be available at any specific times or days.
What will Crowhurst Parish Council do?
We will setup the scheme
We will administer the scheme in Crowhurst
We will manage the volunteer group (we may of course be volunteers ourselves)
We will publicise the scheme and the emergency number
We will organise training for the volunteers
So to ask the question again:
Could you be a Crowhurst Lifesaver?
Are you interested in finding out more?
For further information or to register an interest please contact